Super Bheem, a 3D spin-off of Chhota Bheem with superpowers has begun as a series of short films in 2017. Green Gold has produced several animated series, beginning with Bongo, Krishna, Krishna & Balram, Chhota Bheem, Vikram Betal, Chorr Police, Mighty Raju, Luv Kushh and Arjun: The Prince of Bali.
Īs of now, Green Gold Animation handles various branches of business such as Licensing & Merchandising, Digital Business, Branded Stores, Events and Pictures. Green Gold Animation was founded by Rajiv Chilaka in January 2001. It is known for creating the Chhota Bheem television series and the Krishna film series. Green Gold Animation Pvt Ltd, is a Hyderabad-based Indian Animation company, with offices in India, Singapore, Philippines and the United States.